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Can human skin cells reverse ageing by 30 years?

This article is for subscribers only. Researchers have reversed ageing in human skin cells by 30 years, according to a new study. Scientists say they have developed a method to time jump human skin cells by three decades - longer than previous reprogramming methods, rewinding the ageing clock without the cells losing their function.

Can gene therapy reverse ageing?

It’s a permanent reset.” Although it isn’t clear how the gene therapy helped reverse the ageing of mice, per Harvard Medical School, Sinclair said that his discovery still shows that mammalian cells can ultimately “reboot into a youthful, healthy state”.

Can oxygen therapy reverse biological ageing?

Scientists claim to have successfully reversed the biological ageing process in a group of elderly adults. In a first of a kind study, researchers from Tel Aviv University and the Shamir Medical Center used a form of oxygen therapy to reverse two key indicators of biological ageing: Telomere length and senescent cells accumulation.

Can artificial intelligence reverse ageing?

In an industry worth worth $110bn, scientists have spent decades attempting to harness the power of genomics and artificial intelligence to find a way to prevent or even reverse ageing. Photograph: LightField Studios Inc./Alamy Stock Photo

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